Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Dear Diary,

We made a friend! His name is Joaquin--or Quino, as his friends (like us)--call him. He doesn't speak very much English, but whatevs, he is patient with our inconsistent Spanish. He owns a café bar steps from our apartment and he has a dog named Pipa (short for Josephina) who just roams around the place looking for attention. And he, like, totes invited us to his bar's anniversary party on Saturday. Like, we're so excited we may just need to go buy new outfits. Can't wait! More soon...
jm & jb
(P.S. Yay--photos!)


Corrie said...

So Beautious!!! I hope all the travel trials are behind you as you both look totally blissed out now in the pics. Can't wait to see it for myself :) Corrie

jm said...

oh yes, do we have plans for you miss dosh...

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